1. Who invented the Qwerty keyboard? 2. When was the Qwerty keyboard standardized? 3. What was the challenge that Christopher Sholes faced when inventing the typewriter? 4. How did Sholes change the key order on the typewriter to prevent keys hitting each other? 5. Why did typists battle it out in typing competitions during the typewriter wars? 6. When was Qwerty adopted by Remington? 7. What other products was Remington known for besides typewriters? 8. Who produced an alternative, ergonomic keyboard to Qwerty in the 1930s? 9. What were the reported benefits of using the Dvorak keyboard over Qwerty? 10. Why did Qwerty ultimately win the format war against alternative keyboard layouts? 11. How many keys do stenotypes used by stenographers in courtrooms have? 12. What is the typing speed of stenotypes in courtrooms? 13. Can users achieve faster typing and fewer errors using stenotypes compared to Qwerty? 14. Why did Qwerty become a standard for not only English but also European languages? 15. How did Sholes reorganize the letters on the typewriter to prevent keys from hitting each other? 16. What was the main reason for the standardization of typewriters in the USA after the civil war era? 17. What were some of the professions of Christopher Sholes? 18. How did Qwerty become hardwired into tens of millions of brains and hundreds of millions of fingers around the world? 19. What did August Dvorak aim to achieve with his alternative keyboard design? 20. Are there any keyboards that offer significant improvements in speed and accuracy over Qwerty?